Equipment needed to begin soldering
Page 1: Who is this website for? Page 2: Equipment needed to begin soldering

Page 3: How to get started Page 4: How to solder two wires together

Page 5: How to solder wires to a circuit board

Materials required to begin soldering:

1-Soldering iron-One of many types of tools used to solder. There are alternatives such as hot air guns but for beginners soldering irons is best to learn from.
2-Soldering wire- The wire that contains solder when the tip of the soldering iron makes contact with the soldering wire the wire will liquify and form a solder ball.
3-wires- Wires are generally almost always required in electronics and soldering
4-A wet sponge or brass bath-either can be used to clean the tip of a soldering iron. All tips will eventually die out after long-term use but taking care of them makes them last longer.
5-Solder pump- Used to suck back excess solder. An incredibly useful tool to fix mistakes you might make while soldering.
6-Heat shrink tubing is needed if you are mending 2 wires together.
7-Flux- prepares a surface for soldering work to be done.
8-A wire cutter- that is capable of cutting and splicing wires.
9-Tweezers-to hold a wire in place or move it.

Materials will vary depending on what project you are working on. For example, if your install a circuit board into another board you will need some double-sided electrical tape to stick it on safely